Global community can still shape ‘new reality’ in Afghanistan

2 years ago 341

In particular, Deborah Lyons, UN Special Representative and caput of the UN’s assistance ngo successful Afghanistan, said the satellite volition urgently request to devise a “modus vivendi” to let billions of dollars successful frozen donor funds, to travel into Afghanistan’s fragile economy.

Citing credible reports of reprisal killings, crackdowns connected women’s freedoms and different rights violations by the country’s caller Taliban-led administration, she added that the UN volition besides request to determine however to prosecute with high-level members of the Taliban’s de facto Government - including the recently named premier minister, 2 lawman premier ministers and overseas curate - who are presently connected UN sanctions lists.

Lacking inclusivity

In the caller world that followed the autumn of Kabul connected 15 August, the satellite witnessed archetypal scenes of chaos, and past images of protests astir Afghanistan.

“These scenes, watched astir the satellite … amusement that the Taliban person won power, but not yet the assurance of each the Afghan people,” said Ms. Lyons.

As the Council and the planetary assemblage present inquire themselves however to respond, she stressed that there are nary “comfortable” answers. 

“Those who hoped for, and urged, inclusivity volition beryllium disappointed,” she said, noting that nary women, number representatives oregon non-Taliban individuals person been named arsenic portion of the de facto Government. 

In addition, respective high-ranking officials successful the caller medication - including the antheral named Prime Minister, Mullah Hasan Akhund, are presently connected UN sanctions lists.

Harassment, intimidation

A mixed representation has emerged successful the weeks since the Taliban took power. The UN premises has mostly been respected, but determination person been worrying reports of harassment and intimidation against its nationalist staff.

Ms. Lyons besides expressed interest that, despite many Taliban statements granting wide amnesties to erstwhile members of the Afghan National Defense and Security Forces and officials of the medication of erstwhile President Ashraf Ghani, reports are emerging of house-to-house searches and seizures by Taliban officials.

And portion they person provided galore assurances of assuring the rights of women, determination are new reports that women are being prohibited from moving oregon appearing successful nationalist places without antheral chaperones.

Deborah Lyons, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and caput  of the UN Assistance Mission successful  Afghanistan (UNAMA).

UNAMA/Fardin Waezi

Deborah Lyons, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and caput of the UN Assistance Mission successful Afghanistan (UNAMA).

Women and girls

Amidst further reports that girls’ entree to acquisition is erstwhile again becoming limited, the Security Council besides heard an urgent briefing by Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani activist, Nobel Prize recipient and laminitis of the Malala Fund, who reminded delegates what beingness for women and girls was similar nether past iterations of Taliban rule.

“I saw my location transformed from a spot of bid to a spot of fearfulness successful conscionable 3 years,” she said.

Describing her acquisition of moving from gunfire and explosions connected the street, she said her puerility 15 years agone was marked by nationalist floggings, schools that closed their doors to girls and banners successful buying malls declaring that women were not allowed.

“This is simply a communicative that galore Afghan girls whitethorn stock if we bash not act,” she warned, calling connected the Council to nonstop a wide and unequivocal connection to the Taliban that upholding the rights of women and girls is simply a precondition of immoderate moving relationship.

Shaping the caller reality

Emphasizing the UN’s committedness to enactment and present assistance and enactment to the radical of Afghanistan, Ms. Lyons said that means it indispensable prosecute with the Taliban, including connected ways to let wealth to travel into Afghanistan.

A high-level planetary backing league is slated for 13 September to assistance donors conscionable the country’s rising needs

An additional, looming situation is the billions of dollars successful assets and donor funds that has been frozen by countries successful an effort to contradict them to the Taliban.

“The inevitable effect, however, volition be a terrible economical downturn that could propulsion millions into poorness and hunger, whitethorn make a monolithic question of refugees from Afghanistan, and acceptable Afghanistan backmost for generations,” the Special Representative warned.

Citing her archetypal engagement with definite Taliban leaders, she said they intelligibly stated their request for planetary assistance, which provides the planetary assemblage leverage implicit their actions.

“We tin inactive signifier this caller world into a much affirmative direction,” she stressed.

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